Student Success & Academic Outcomes

At Shu Ren International School, our goal is for students to become lifelong learners motivated to seek answers to probing questions beyond our schoolwide learner outcomes guide. Our approach to learning and life at Shu Ren and our curriculum lays the groundwork for students to excel at all levels. Standardized tests like the MAP and STAMP Assessments show that Shu Ren students outperform the national average at all elementary grade levels!

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)

MAP measures a student’s academic achievement and growth in reading and mathematics over time. Together with other classroom-based information, MAP results can help teachers make instructional decisions that match each child's needs.


Mandarin Standards-Based Measure of Proficiency (STAMP™)

Avant’s proficiency tests are used worldwide to measure student learning outcomes,  illustrate program quality, and create a path to the Seal of Biliteracy. The Avant STAMP™ language test was created to improve language-learning outcomes and support excellence in language programs. STAMP™ enables teachers to effectively improve proficiency outcomes and empowers administrators to make better-informed decisions about curriculum and teacher training by delivering accurate data on students’ proficiency levels.


Lifelong Learning

Self-directed lifelong learners who:

  • Joyfully seek knowledge to enhance their capabilities and deepen their understanding of the world
  • Transfer and apply cognitive skills and strategies in all subject areas and real-life situations
  • Show commitment by setting goals with success criteria, utilizing time, and managing workload efficiently
  • Use entrepreneurial skills to pursue their passion and interests
  • Independently produce quality work that integrates skill, knowledge, critical, ethical, and creative thinking across the discipline

Critical & Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinkers who:

  • Use inquiry and design thinking processes to explore, create, innovate, and problem-solve
  • Acquire and apply knowledge to a range of situations
  • Analyze and evaluate alternative points of view to construct knowledge and deepen understanding
  • Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes to inform future actions
  • Show independence by making their own judgments based on reasoned arguments
  • Demonstrate resilience to overcome challenges and explore new possibilities


Technologically literate individuals who:

  • Incorporate a range of technology for researching, organizing, learning, and creating
  • Gather, understand, and evaluate information from valid and high-quality sources
  • Integrate media into their learning process
  • Listen and respond critically to a variety of multimedia communications
  • Are ethical digital citizens




Communicators who:

  • Are multilingual in English, Mandarin, and Spanish and use language to make connections with others in diverse environments
  • Demonstrate fluency in oral and written language
  • Listen and be mindful of the opinions and contributions of others
  • Clarify, organize, and express individual thoughts and ideas
  • Ask questions and engage in discussion to reach workable solutions and incorporate feedback effectively


Global Citizenship

Global citizens who:

  • Exercise compassion, appreciation, and understanding of others
  • Are literate in how economics impacts decisions
  • Work collaboratively and respectfully with individuals from a range of backgrounds
  • Exercise their rights and responsibilities as part of local and global communities
  • Investigate and analyze environmental issues and make accurate conclusions about solutions
  • Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions
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