About Us

Shu Ren International School derived its name from the Chinese proverb, "十年树木,百年树人": It will take 10 years to grow a tree, but a lifetime to cultivate a person’s potential.” Shu Ren is committed to deliver an enriching and engaging environment that focuses on three critical components: Inquiry-based learning, multilingual and multicultural education, and development of the whole child, which we believe are essential to navigate an increasingly complex world. Learn more about the history of Shu Ren International School and our mission & core values.

Students are guided by teachers to actively discover their strengths, explore new concepts, develop strong practical and academic skills, and experience their lessons within and outside of the traditional classroom environment. Our highly experienced teachers bring a wealth of knowledge, passion, traditions, and practices that inspire children to take part in their own learning. Our students are not just high academic achievers, they are active participants in a complex and rich world of international culture and communication; they do not simply copy words, sentences, or memorize passages from books; they ask important questions, perform research, and present their findings in Chinese, English and Spanish. Finally, a Shu Ren International Student is treasured for who they are and is nurtured by teachers who work to help students reach their full potential as a student, an individual, and a citizen of the world. Our school wide learner outcomes guide our approach to learning and life at Shu Ren.

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